-----Original Message-----
From: Huang, Amy
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:04 AM
To: Alipio, StephanieAnne
Subject: FW: Special Notice of Sister City meeting next monday (6:30, same location)
Room 120 city hall wing 1st floor (not the main building)
200 E. Santa Clara
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob [mailto:bob.green@bgai.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:10 PM
To: Huang, Amy
Subject: Special Notice of Sister City meeting next monday (6:30, same
Dear Amy,
I'd like to let you know that again next Monday we will hold a meeting at City
Hall. If any of your Japan Club kids would like to come, we'd really like to see
them. The speaker this week is from Santa Clara and a fan of Homestay and
exchanges. Bill Strauss and his wife have been homestay families 4 times and he
has organized the visit of the orchestra band coming next month.
If you can come, it would be great! You can bring your own kids if you want to.
We have discussed a school membership (per your question) and I'd like to share
our thoughts with you sometime soon.
Talk to you soon.
Bob Green
San-Jose-Okayama Sister City Org.
Labels: e-mail, japan club, meeting, news, sister city
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