Japan Club Officer Meeting: 2nd Club Meet!! (8 Oct 2008)
(And don’t forget to go to the “MANDATORY” officer meeting after school on Friday!)
Now, the Who Does What (your favorite part, but there isn’t a lot):
Stephi- Gackt/ Bishi of the day PPT (remember: CDs in SJ Library system if you want them), leader of icebreaker/ random games, such as the “ichi, ni, san…” game and the ends-with-an-“n” game
Mrs. Prez- ASK ABOUT SPOTLIGHT WEEK – find out what dates are available and relay that to us… this is your mission! And try to figure out weeks that correlate with festivals
Matilde- game shows (prepared for extra time – popcorn style, like normal, but have ones for if they’re lazy and one to start it off), & can you bring candy for the tongue twisters (if you have any left?)
Clair (me)- Phrase of the day, tongue twister PPT (deuxiem part – make it a race)
EVERYONE – Look for options for spotlight week, such as Japanese festivals… we can be creative!
And… - Annie and Sherie don’t seem to have anything to do. Hmmm~ if you feel like doing something, for the 3rd meeting, you can find some cute origami and learn how to fold it… or you can try to figure out ways we can do joint activities, such as the sushi making with the culinary club, or going to Gaia with FBLA, or some after-school fieldtrip to Japantown… or maybe you can even figure out ways we can earn the money to do all three and more!! ^^ horray!
… or you can be lazy like me ^^;
Hope this helps. Any questions – you know who to go to… I hope d(_>w<_)b
Labels: e-mail, japan club, officer, officer meeting
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