Ok, officers,
Ready for the club fair? No, we’re not, so let’s get cracking!!
This is basically what we got today:
• Origami
• Fan (for deco)
• Parisol
• Chopstick bamboo things
• Erasers (?)
Melanie (the prez with no name):
• Poster board
• Mochi candy
• Carp flag for childrens/ boys day
• Power point
Clair (me):
• Obis
• Music
• Computer (Should I bring it? Video?)
• Parisol
(Sorry, Sherie, you weren't there, but if you have anything you'd like to bring, please bring it!)
We also need some fliers and a sign-up sheet… I think some of you were going to stay after school and do that, but I wasn’t too clear on it.
And does anyone have a Japanese-style tablecloth? Thanks!
Other than that – anything else you want to bring is welcome! Stuff the table full, I say!!
Your glorious secretary, Clair-sempai! (or –dono suffix is also acceptable ^^)
Labels: club fair, e-mail, japan club
Educated @ Notre Dame
Contact me at salipio@ndsj.org.
Own blog: Dongsaengie
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