This is Sherie, our treasurer.
1) Why did you join Japan Club?
2) Favorite Band (Please limit this to 10)
3) Favorite Man/Bishie/ETC (Again, LIMIT TO TEN)
4) Favorite Picture (of anyone, self, ETC AND LIMIT TO 10)
5) Fave candy (5 is good)
6) Fave color (3 is good. less is better)
7) Fave YT vid (or just a video in general. 3 IS THE MAX. Please try to provide URLs)
8) Fave item of clothing (or accessory, or whatever you like to wear a lot. 5 is good)
9) Fave store (3 is good)
10) Fave sport (or one you play)
11) Fave fruit
12) Fave time of day
13) Fave shoe brand
14) Fave number
15) What do you do in your spare time?
16) Fave site
17) Fave cute thing (like a phone charm or something; try to make it a thing, not a person/animal; provide a picture of possible)
18) What are your hopes for Japan Club? (What do you think we could do?)
19) What's your sign? (Please specify which zodiac it's from)
20) What language do you want to learn and why? (It doesn't have to be Japanese, BTW)