Thursday, September 11, 2008
Profile One: Our President
This is Melanie, our Lady President!!
1) Why did you join Japan Club?
Because Japan rocks an' it's culture rolls. Plus I love the language and, of course, the anime, but we all know that that's NOT what Japan Club is.
2) Favorite Band (Please limit this to 10)
Bump of Chicken, LM.C, HalCali, Nana Kitade, Tamaki Nami, Takahashi Hitomi (well they're not bands...)
3)Favorite Man/Bishie/ETC (Again, LIMIT TO TEN)
Mm, what if I don't have any??
4) Favorite Picture (of anyone, self, ETC AND LIMIT TO 10)
Hahahah, I'm not photogenic.
5) Fave candy (5 is good)
Mm, not much of a candy person, but I love chocolate and minty things. No, if they come out with toothpaste with chocolate, I will not buy it.
6) Fave color (3 is good. less is better)
Blue and white.
7) Fave YT vid (or just a video in general. 3 IS THE MAX. Please try to provide URLs)
Yay random video links!
8) Fave item of clothing (or accessory, or whatever you like to wear a lot. 5 is good)
A necklace is nice and an anklet. I would wear an awesome scarf that flutters behind me all cool-like, but I don't have one of those. Oh, HATS. I love HATS! Especially ones that have ears like at Fanime Con!
9) Fave store (3 is good)
I'm a nerd, so I go for Borders bookstore. Oh, Mai Dou is lovely also. They have such cute things!
10) Fave sport (or one you play)
I'm not athletic anymore, but I like volleyball and track and field...or running in general (if you've seen me chase someone around campus before).
11) Fave fruit
Mangoes, kiwis, apples, bananas, peaches (aka SOULS).
12) Fave time of day
The afternoon because I'm most awake and it's lunchtime.
13) Fave shoe brand
Umm, don't have one?
14) Fave number
87 and 7.
15) What do you do in your spare time?
Daydream. A lot.
16) Fave site
No clue!
17) Fave cute thing (like a phone charm or something; try to make it a thing, not a person/animal; provide a picture of possible)
Aw man, I can't decide! Plus I can't copy and paste into this thing.
18) What are your hopes for Japan Club? (What do you think we could do?)
I think we can do amazing things that will get people involved and lovin' the country and its culture. Let's try to make it fun and interesting for them this year!
19) What's your sign? (Please specify which zodiac it's from)
Scorpio and Monkey. I kind've wish I was a Capricorn 'cause I like the half-goat half-fish thing, but I got stuck with the darn poisonous arachnid.
20) What language do you want to learn and why? (It doesn't have to be Japanese, BTW)
Japanese because it's cool and I could understand/read anime/manga in it's awesome RAW format.
Spanish because I'm already learning it and I can talk to people who are fluent really fast so it sounds cool.
Tagalog because that's my native tongue! All I have to do is relearn it from my family!
Italian maybe, but it's close to Spanish.Labels: officer